San Diego Auto Injury Specialists San Diego Auto Injury Specialists San Diego Auto Injury Specialists San Diego Auto Injury Specialists
  1. What will our services cost?
    Medical -Legal Services with No Out-Of-Pocket Expense?
    Your medical bills will be determined by the severity of your injuries. Your attorney will pay them through the settlement. If managed correctly, there should be no out of pocket cost to you!
  2. How long will it take for me to recover?
    Will I always feel this way?
    The length of your recovery will be determined by the severity of your injuries, and the consistency of your medical care. The sooner you are treated, the faster you will recover, and the less likely you will experience residual pain and disability.
  3. Why am I having so much pain?
    What's causing my pain?
    Your neuromuscular system, brain, spine, nerves and muscles have been traumatized and will need the right treatment to gain full recovery.
  4. What exactly is wrong with me?
    Feeling tired, depressed, anxious, confused . . . ?
    Car accident injuries are oftentimes high-impact, high-velocity traumatic events, causing extensive damage to the connective tissues of your spine, brain and nervous system, muscles, myofascia, ligaments, discs, tendons and joints. Concussion is often a component of the injuries, due to the jolting back and forth or direct impact with the interior of the vehicle. This neuromusculoskeletal trauma can have severe debilitating effects and must be managed by our medical experts as quickly as possible.
  5. How long will I feel this way?
    Will it always hurt this much?
    With proper and timely care, the length of your suffering will be shortened. Waiting too long before getting treatment will result in scar tissue formation and sometimes permanent injuries. Getting the right treatment will bring relief within a few weeks to a few months, depending on the severity of your injuries. Our goal is to promote maximum healing and relief as quickly as possible.
  6. When will my case settle?
    When do I collect my settlement check?
    Your case will settle when your condition has reached a point of Maximum Medical Improvement, and the attorney has negotiated the best outcome for you. This can take a few months or more. Our legal team will fight for the best outcomes in the best time frame based on the complexity of your case. Simple cases settle quicker than more complex ones. Our goal is to maximize your claim for you in the least amount of time required.
San Diego Auto Injury Specialists San Diego Auto Injury Specialists San Diego Auto Injury Specialists